Time is More Important Than Price
It's all about the timing...
W.D. Gann was an extraordinary trader who had demonstrated repeatedly that “TIME was more important than price” when it came to trading the markets.
When it is TIME for the market to turn, it matters not what the price is at that time because, when it turns, it turns and moves the opposite direction.
Markets move up and down all the time. These moves are the product of underlying market cycles of various lengths that as a composite produce the wavy patterns we see and trade from.
Our daily time-frame FDates are tied to the short-term cycles that affect these markets, whereas our weekly time-frame FDates (aka WDates) are tied to the longer cycles.
By using FDates along with other basic charting indicators (and our Cycle Envelope charts), timing short-term future market tops and bottoms is greatly enhanced. And using common sense filters such as ‘trade only in the direction of the trend’, we can jump on new moves with greater precision.